Programme 2017

Our meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at Banner Cross Methodist Church.  Arrivals from 7pm for a 7.15 start and finishing at  9.15pm.  We begin with a short ‘business’ update and then have a speaker or demonstration for approximately 50mins.  We finish with Refreshments and chat.

We also have a £1 table* at every meeting
(* please bring items along - as funds raised will support our local charity of the year)

Members note: please remember to refer to the cake rota, this will also be the month for helping in the kitchen, thank you!

12 January
Public Speaking
Katie Pruszynski advises how to do it, with a background of her days in Westminster.

9 February
The Eyam Plague
David Bell gives us a light hearted approach to cures of the day.

9 March
Bake-off Experiences
Howard Middleton from Sheffield talks about his experiences on ‘Bake Off’.

6 April
Millinery Techniques
Amanda Moon talks about hat making,
with an opportunity to try some on!

11 May
Resolutions and Beetle Drive/Quiz

8 June
The Origins of British Surnames
Roy Yates talks about surname origins
(meeting run by non-committee members)

13 July
Legal Highs
Jenny Robertson (of the Drugs Advisory Council) talks to us about "Legal Highs" and other street drugs

August – no meeting

14 September
Joan Jones
The history of Izal (yes, the toilet paper!)

12 October **
Annual meeting and Food Banks talk

9 November **
Craft activity
A ‘making’ evening led by craft group members.

14 December **
Christmas Party
With music from ‘The Ukelele Gang’

** Sorry, no visitors at these meetings